Requirements for Speakers
Information for Section Moderators and Speakers
The main role at the event (section, round table, master class, Congress) is played by the moderator. He/she should be well versed in the topic under discussion, be communicative and have audience management skills, be in close contact with the Organizing Committee's and the Program Committee's representatives.
Section/Congress Moderator

  • Opens and closes the event, as well as gives the floor to the speakers (or panelists) and introduces them;
  • If the presentation did not provoke questions or remarks from the audience, the moderator may ask questions and thus initiate the discussion;
  • Closely follows the speeches timing, if a speaker runs out of time, he/she must politely but insistently hurry him/her up or even stop him/her: "Two minutes left", "Your report time has expired" and so on;
  • Works closely with the technical specialist in the hall (hall administrator), who is responsible for the timely display of presentations and sound quality, gives him/her a pre-prepared list of sites to be shown at different moments during the event, if necessary;
  • Ensures that the report is not of a promotional nature (presentation of goods or services). If it does, the moderator immediately interrupts the speaker and removes his/her report;
  • Assists Organizing Committee's representatives in contacting the speaker on the eve of the event, if necessary to change an order of speeches or to increase the time of speeches if any of the speakers is absent;
  • Manages the process of discussion, especially closely following the speakers from the audience, reminding them on the need to introduce themselves, on timing established for questions and remarks from the audience: "Please, introduce yourself", "What is your question, and who is it addressed to?", "The speech is of an advertising nature, please, finish your report/comment" and so on;
  • At the end of the event, the moderator makes a brief summary of the most interesting issues discussed on the topic, the participants' suggestions. If the event results in another final document, the members of the Program Committee help in its execution and, if necessary, sending it to the address on behalf of the event's participants.
  • Reminds presenters to copy and try out their presentation on the equipment in advance;

  • The topic of the presentation shall be relevant to the subject area of the event. The speaker shall indicate which position in the Event Program his/her report corresponds to;
  • Reports of an advertising nature announcing goods or services will not be accepted. The moderator is obliged to stop such speakers, remove the report and pass the floor to the next speaker;
  • The abstracts of the report shall be informative, correspond to the topic and the report itself;
  • The speaker is obliged to meet the time agreed with the moderator. The moderator deprives the speakers who violate the rules of the right to speak;
  • The report title and the abstracts text shall be written in Russian. Terms in English can be used if necessary. The abstracts text shall be made without the use of markup signs;
  • Presentations are accepted only in PowerPoint format and shall be submitted to the Organizing Committee in advance, at least one day prior to the presentation.